3 Ways Technology Can Be Used to Find Plumbing Products

For a variety of reasons, the plumbing industry has largely focused on direct sales to get products out to individual agents working in the field. Countless plumbers own their own small businesses, which means they deal with a patchwork of different suppliers they largely have to talk with on an individual basis. Entrepreneurs who need equipment for their businesses should take a look at these three ways they can revolutionize the ordering process. No matter which avenue you choose, technology can be used to find plumbing products.


1. Look Into Energy-Efficient Suppliers


Market demographics are changing as consumers demand more energy-efficient plumbing technology. The tankless water industry continues to grow because of the many benefits it offers to homeowners. In order to serve this market segment, an increasingly large number of suppliers have put together new websites and blogs to promote their parts. Take a few moments to browse through these, because many of them are offering good deals for the time being. Others are promoting their brands on social media, so you might want to spend some time glancing over what some of the major industry players have posted on their feeds.


2. Searching Through Plumbing Industry Catalogs


Every single pipe and fitting made after a certain date comes with a reorder number that lets plumbers know how to get a replacement. If you’re looking for a specific part, then you’ll want to jot down this number and search for it through the catalog of a dependable plumbing parts supplier. You can also try searching for parts based on size or their vendor. The tools found in these services make it easy to locate the specific components you need. That’s made them especially attractive for plumbers who need to be certain that the components they’re buying for their next project are going to fit properly with a minimum of refactoring.


3. Look Through An Online Directory


Web rings and directories might seem like nods to an early time in Internet history, but they’re alive and well in the plumbing industry. That’s probably due to the sheer size of it. Some estimates place the total value of this market segment at somewhere around $126 billion, which means that there are a great deal of opportunities for individuals who’d like to break into the space. Vendors who want to make it in the industry will get their organizations listed in a sort of online equivalent to an old-fashioned phone book. This gives you access to huge numbers of potential suppliers, who are naturally competing with one another and therefore lowering prices in the process.


Perhaps the best way to manage the online acquisition process is to combine all three of these approaches. Check every online outlet each time you plan on placing an order so you can be certain you’re getting the best possible deal whenever you need something. Stocking up is a good idea if you’ve already found a competitive price. Getting some extra workpieces can help if you suddenly get an unexpected order at some point in the near future.