Maintaining Remote Teams in a Post-Pandemic World

Working from home has now become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping the way that millions across the world operate and make a living. Although we are now several years into the pandemic, approximately 40% of U.S. employees still work remotely at least once per week. Although these numbers have declined since 2020, there are still remote work opportunities across the country, and the benefits of such a system cannot be ignored.

Both employees and employers benefit from a remote or hybrid work schedule. For employees, the commute to the office is eliminated, saving time and money on expenses that are otherwise unavoidable, like gas and food. This extra time during and outside of the workday can then be dedicated to spending time with family and friends or on extracurricular hobbies.

When employees are thriving, employers are as well. Studies have shown that companies experience reduced absences and less employee sick days. In addition, productivity is increased, and turnover is lowered. Some companies even report that under a hybrid schedule, the annual cost per employee is reduced by tens of thousands of dollars.

There is clearly a desire to continue working remotely in some capacity, meaning that businesses have to be prepared. Ensuring that one is equipped with the proper tools to succeed is foundational, and will lead to better prepared for the demands of our future.

return to office or work from home