Imagine that you run a cloud service that is used by other cloud services. You want to improve your cloud service but don’t know how well it’s actually performing. What should you do?
One crucial step for improving cloud services is to collect metrics. Metrics are numerical figures collected over time which tell you how successful your cloud service has been so far. By reviewing these figures, you can find out what is working for users and what isn’t, where bottlenecks are or if there are no problems at all. Specifically, cloud metrics give insight into the following questions:
- Who uses my cloud service?
- How much work do they put on it?
- Where in the world are they using it from?
- What devices are they using to access it?
- When do they use it the most?
- How much capacity am I going to need tomorrow?
1) Collecting cloud metrics is important because it allows you to understand who your users are, where they are, and what they’re doing on your cloud service. This understanding can help you make better decisions when expanding or improving your cloud service.
2) Understanding how much work users are putting on your cloud service can help you identify and diagnose problems. For example, if you see that CPU utilization is high during a certain time period, then you know that there is a problem with the CPU and you can investigate further. Or, if you see that there are a large number of cloud service requests during the weekend, then you know that many users are trying to use your cloud service at once and need to increase capacity.
3) Knowing where in the world your cloud service is being used from tells you how global your cloud service really is- which can help with scaling or adapting it to different cultures. This kind of information might also help you plan better for future growth.
4) Identifying all types of devices that are being used to access your cloud service helps you determine whether or not it performs well on different platforms. If certain devices have more problems than others, then it could be because those devices require different functionality than others do.
5) Knowing when users are accessing your cloud service can help you plan for future capacity needs. For example, if you know that there are a large number of requests during the evening, then you might need to increase your cloud service’s capacity for that time period.
6) Lastly, cloud metrics can help you forecast how much capacity you will need in the future. This forecasting takes into account different things like seasonal changes or periods of high or low demand.
Overall, understanding and collecting cloud metrics is an important step in improving your cloud service. By reviewing these figures, you can identify problems and areas for improvement. With this knowledge, you can make better decisions about expanding or modifying your cloud service ensuring that your users have the best possible experience.
If you need help with cloud metrics, Axiom can assist you. Their experts have years of experience in the cloud and will help you get the most out of your cloud service. Contact them today to learn more.