Ombori Grid Makes People Counters for Every Application

Ombori Grid People Counter 3

There are plenty of ways to count people, but Ombori Grid makes it easier than ever before. When you have customers trying to come into your store, you want to make sure you can accommodate all of them properly. If you have multiple entrances, keeping a count of customers can also be very difficult. Fortunately, you can use a software solution that makes counting people much easier and more efficient for your business. That helps reduce stress for both customers and employees, so everyone can have more comfortable interactions with one another.

During the pandemic, controlling how many people came into your store at one time became extremely important. Now and in the future, there are other great reasons to control traffic flow and count people. With Ombori Grid, you can get an accurate count of the number of people in your store, so you can keep maximum occupancy numbers in mind and require other people to wait outside if necessary. You can also use cameras to keep an accurate count of people, which is a good way to address the issue of multiple entrances. 

The cameras can be linked to signage, that indicates to customers whether they can come in or whether they need to wait. That, coupled with things like virtual queues and curbside pickup, can help your business keep moving, throughout the pandemic and beyond. There are some great ways to advance your company’s goals, and one of them is by making sure customers are treated fairly and respectfully. Ombori Grid can help be a part of that, for any business that wants to keep track of their customers.

Data-driven decisions are generally better than those that are made on impulse, and if you’re not sure about the decisions you’re making when growing your business, you may want to focus on customer data. You can use Ombori Grid for that, and count people to see when they’re coming through your doors, what they’re looking for, and whether they’re getting the help and support they need from your business. If those areas aren’t being handled well, there are changes your business can make.

If you want to grow your revenue, understanding your customers and their shopping patterns is a vital part of that. The Ombori Grid is one of the best ways to get the information you need, to make important decisions about your company’s future. It can also help your employees because they’ll have a better understanding of what they need to do and how they can add benefit to the experiences of the customers they help. 

By counting people and reducing overcrowding in your business, your employees will experience less stress and be better able to help the customers who are coming through your doors for assistance with their purchases. Couple that with virtual options and curbside pickup, and your business is giving customers everything they need to feel good about shopping with you in the future.